Find all of your Omega-3 essentials by exploring our range at Discount Supplements. Featuring capsules and oils from industry-leading brands, including The Health Project and Supplement Needs, it’s never been easier to up your Omega-3 intake at a pocket-friendly price.
What is Omega-3 good for?
Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids known as fish oils. They offer many health benefits, such as promoting healthy heart function, aiding mental health, reducing inflammation, particularly in the blood vessels and helping lower blood fat levels.
Eating fish to get the recommended intake of Omega-3 can provide many health benefits, so fish oil supplements are great for those who struggle to get enough fish in their diets.
If fish isn’t your thing, you can also obtain Omega-3 benefits from eating pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts.
How much Omega 3 per day?
The recommended daily amount of Omega-3 differs between men and women, with women needing 1100 mg and men needing 1600 mg. This should be obtained primarily from your diet, so it is recommended that you aim to eat at least two portions of oily fish per week, or for those that don’t have fish as part of their diet, walnuts, soya beans, flaxseed and chia seeds are great alternatives.
You can support this by taking fish oil supplements, but be mindful to stay within the recommended guidelines. Looking to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals, too? Why not browse our vitamins and minerals collection for all the supplements you could ever need to support your healthy lifestyle?